Assalamualaikum :)
Salam Satu Malaysia.. (waaah...semangat patriotik.hehe)
lama sudah I tak update yea..well hmm..kinda busy with KELAS KERETA.. :) ouh yea,,SAYA DAH PANDAI BAWA KERETA MANUAL TAW!! :)
cuti sem jea TERUS i cakap dengan ayah,,nak ambik lesen kereta. xde BELOK2 lg haha. :P actually i dah pandai guna AUTO laa :D hmm but this time i'll drive kereta manual. hehe.
masuk jea METRO DRIVING SCHOOL kat SUBANG nie,,i pergi ceramah 6 jam. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. i tak sangka i boleh habiskan dat 6 hours punya kursus. FUHH,,LEGA :) and then i took JPJ computer test and i got 46/50. hmmm not bad laah haha. and a few days later i masuk kelas kereta and thanks to CIKGU FAUZI cuz ajar dengan penuh dedikasi :) you know what,,I bangga cuz he said I cepat belajar. well,,I suka laah cuz dat mean i can test JPJ A.S.A.P before I have to get back to kolej :) haha. at least before daftar PART 2 as ACCOUNTING STUDENT,,I can get my P licence *P stands for PROFESSIONAL kan? kehkeh :) waaah really can't wait!!
hmm..and esok ada kelas before PRE-TEST :) wish me luck DEAR FOLLOWER and READER....